Little Gracie was rescued twice, once from a dog attack and secondly from a kill shelter. She had surgery to repair her intestines, once she was fully recovered she was adopted! We were contacted asking if we could get her from Texas to Florida to her new family, we made it happen! Gracie update: she is happy and loving her new home along with her beautiful 5 kittens! Sadly, her little runt passed away. Thank to all of Gracie's road Angels. This transport is in loving memory of her little runt "Louisiana".
We have been busy in the new year with multiple transport throughout South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland and more. Here are some pictures of the beautiful dogs we transported.
This is an amazing story we received this transport by referral from another rescue friend. Mia was stuck in California and needed to get to New York to be reunited with her Mom. Several attempts were made but due to weather and Holidays each transport failed until Valentine's Day! After one year being apart we coordinated a 4 day cross country travel to get Mia from CA to her mom in NY. We want to thank every road Angel and overnight foster that helped get Mia home. This was a transport we will never forget and forever grateful we were given the opportunity to make it happen and work with exceptional drivers and fosters! You all are Mia's Angels on wheels!
Roman Empire
16 year old long coat apple face 100% spoiled and handsome Chihuahua :) Archives
December 2024