We were the final leg in this transport in getting them to their rescue All 4 Paws in SC. These beautiful dogs were so scared but they warmed up quick on the transport and slept most of the way. They knew they had been saved and going to a wonderful place as they snuggled up in the blankets we provided for the transport. We are so happy for this family and wish them all the best! Thank you Margaret for transporting for leg 1!
Talk about a transport of snorting, howling and laughs this was it! These three Pugs were such a hoot to transport! Razzi and her two friends Chloe and Puppy were rescued from the shelter in Conway, SC and traveled 4 hours south to Southern Pug and Boston Terrier Rescue in Simpsonville, SC. They were so much fun to transport and so happy all three were rescued! We wish them all the best in their new journey!
Roman Empire
16 year old long coat apple face 100% spoiled and handsome Chihuahua :) Archives
December 2024