About a week ago we were contacted for standby transport for a very pregnant dog in a kill shelter in Darlington, SC. We got the call a few days ago to pick up "Lola" the pregnant Lab in Darlington, SC yesterday and transport her to her rescue home so she can deliver her puppies. No dog or cat should deliver their babies in a shelter, it's just not healthy or safe. We got up at 5:00AM yesterday prepped the vehicle for a comfortable safe transport for Lola, filled up with gas and packed our transport supplies and medical supplies in case Lola started her delivery during transport. We headed out for the 88 mile drive to pick up Lola. We arrived at 9:00AM and Lola was already breathing heavy and uncomfortable so with special care Lola was put in the truck and we headed out for the 60 mile transport to Conway. Lola was very comfortable and did a great job for her transport. We avoided every bump and pothole in the road we wanted her to be very comfortable. We wish Lola and her puppies the best in life. We thank House of Hope Animal Rescue for saving Lola and her puppies. We thank Carolyn and Jenn for their assistance. (update as of today 9/10/15, Lola is in labor and we are awaiting the pictures of her puppies)
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